Looking for Fischl Genshin characteristics? Below you can find the main characteristics of this Genshin Impact character, such as Fischl favorite food, Fischl talents, skills or other qualities. Our team of experts has prepared the description of Fischl in Genshin Impact, continue reading to find out everything related to this character.
Fischl Genshin
Eula favorite food
Character | Likes | Dislikes |
Fischl | Fragrant Fisherman’s Toast Fragrant Cold Cut Platter | Fragrant Northern Smoked Chicken Fragrant Chicken-Mushroom Skewer |
Games like Genshin Impact
Demonstrate everything you know about Genshin Impact in these alternatives to Genshin where you will have to put all your knowledge into the characteristics, words and objects related to Genshin to solve the puzzles and words in these games.